Gauntlet 2 Game Genie Codes
Quick Game Genie Code Index
Gauntlet tips, codes, hints, cheats, Game Genie, passwords, and secrets, for the NES.
NASAXZZE 95 Lives TPKAXZGA Extra weapon power ENUEUGZE+EYSAXZZE Over 99 lives Javascript json deserialization.
EEKNLPZA 128 Lives NYSVAYIE Lots of time ASKNYOGA Start with lots of life
Batman Returns
AYVASZZA The Spin Attack gives you life NYKZTIZA Very powerful Punches EYKXZIIA Very powerful Jump Kickes YAKXLIIE Very powerful Slide Aattack
EEUZTZZL Start with 129 lives
WEOGOPIE Start with 42 hearts, the first heart that you get takes it up to 99 EYNKXPGA+EYNGSAGA 238 lives
Castlevania 2
NASKZIAS Start with 95 hearts, first game only APSGLILE Start with 24 lives, not after continues YP 31 PL 57 PG 73 You can only get a password at Game Over.
Enter the codes at the very start of game. NYZGPA Start with 93 Attack Points, then after you get the sword, you have 42 Attack Points. NYZGIA Start with 80-1 Defence Points. This is a weird code. When you press Start it might go down, plus you might be invincible, or you might die the first time you get hurt. NYTGPA You are black. VEOGUOSE Start with 65,280 Gold VESGUOSE Start with 255 magic points AAVSPZGT First Pupil gives you 0 Gold VVAGNO Need 286 exp. for Level 2 VVAGXO Only need one exp. for Level 2 VVZGXO Start with the Sword of Wind VVZGSO Start with the Tanned Hide VVZKEO Start with the Carapace Shield VVZKUO Start with the spell Refresh Press Start to see the item equipped.
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Defender of the Crown
NYVVALGO 255 Soldiers in Garrisen
Dig Dug 2: Trouble in Paradise
YYXLSVVK You get lot's of lives from touching the water
Dragon Warrior 1
VVOYYTSA Start with extra stuff, like Healmore and have the Priencess saved SKOIVLSA Spells use up 0 Magic Points VVPYAT Start game with 65,535 gold, Level 30, nine Herbs, Magic Key, Edrick's Sword and Armor, Silver Shield, go upstairs and you will see the game ending VVPYZT Start game at Level 6, 255 HP, Heal, and Hurt spell VVPYLT Start game with Hurtmore, Princess saved, four Silver Harps, eight Herbs and Magic Keys, Flame Sword, Magic Armor, and Large Sword, Level 29, 65,535 gold, 65,280 exp., Max HP. 200, and 218 MP.
Dragon Warrior 2
Prience of Midenhall (First player) NNKLUSGO Start with 255 Hit Points NNKLOIIE Start with 255 Strenght NNKLXIGE Start with 255 Agility Points
Dr. Mario
ZEXPYGLA Need only 3 in a row, up and down ZAKPPZLA Need only 3 in a row, left to right EYKPPZLA Need only 1 one in a row, left to right
Duck Tales
NYXSKVIE You have lot's of time, enough time to get over $25,000,000 at the end of the Levels YYESULZE Lots of lives, over 70 NYVTNLPE Must get hit 255 times to get hurt, then another 255 times to get hurt again, then another..
PAPKNE Get over 9,000 Life after passing the Treasure Room. Warning: Don't get food
Gauntlet 2
AYUTEUZA Get 70 Super Shots for each Super Shot pick up
Goonies 2
KYVIAGPF Start with Boomerang and two kinds of bombs NYXSZGLE 253 Lives
YNNELZLE 127 lives
The Guardian Legend
NNVAIAAK Start with lots of energy, more than the max. *AKVELA* Start on level___ Z A 2 L A 3 G A 4 I A 5 T A 6 Y A 7 A E 8
YYKAAVZA Start with full life, strength and magic
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
ANKLULGE 121 Lives NYKUXGLV+LVEXUUGL+LTOXVKGL Lots of time **KLEKY* Start on level LP A 3 IL A 4 YP A 5 LP E 7a IZ E 7b IL E 8 IZ A 10a AA E 10b
Iron Sword
NNNAEZLE+NNSEXPLE Start with lots of lives XVKSYUPZ Extra fast
Isolated Warrior
NYXTIZLE Lots of lives, probably 255
NNEGOYPA Get infinite of most things YAVZNIVG Time goes up, then stops EYOSIAZE+ENSIVTZE Start with lots of lives
Kickle Cubicle
GZKATXSE+GZUISOSE+GAUIOPAA Start at Special Round #1 ENNGSVVK Clock is faster KUNGSVVK Clock is slower
Kid Icarus
NAKSXTPA Small heart gives you 255 NYKSSVZA Big heart gives you 255
King's Knight
ENSUAOGE Start with a lot more energy
Legacy of the Wizard
ENUYKYPE Strength H8 for Lyll ENUYEYPE Strength H8 for Rosa ENXNEYLA Strength H8 for Xemn NNXNKYZE Strength I5 for Menya
Legend of Kage
YASAOLZA You run very fast
The Legend of Zelda
NSKUILTA Infinite energy YGAEXP Enemies in shop, enemies in top corner outside and some enemies are stuck in the Laburnums
Life Force
NNKVNTLE 247 Lives
Little Nemo the Dream Master
YNKKSZLE Start with lots of lives
Lode Runner
EYSKLTIE Lots of lives
Mega Man
EYSPLAZE Lots of lives ZZ 42 Lives PP 25 Lives YAOOYTGA Jump very high
Mega Man 2
EYNALALE Start with lots of lives AT 104 lives GG 75 lives ZP 25 lives
Mega Man 3
ENNKKAZE Lots of lives, F8 ZN 80 lives ZU 40 lives ZX 30 lives AO 18 lives AOUKOTGA Jump very high TE Jump high LAKGNIPA Very fast
NNNSXLIE 255 Missles on pick up NYXGVPLE Start with over 1,600 on life. Warning, Don't get any thing that gives you life YNSGNVSA 1 hit and your dead LLLVKV At the place where there is a ball, there ia an elevator. It takes you to the same place, but the graphics are different.
Mighty Bomb Jack
EYOEZZLE 247 Lives
Mike Tysen Punch Out/Punch Out
AAVETLGE One hit and the opponent is down
Mystery Quest
ANXOGEEY Monsters give you life ANUOAENY Shallow water gives you life
ENVAGAIL Start with about 170 Missiles YYUAZPZE Start with lots of lives NYSPTLZE You pick up infinite bullets ENUZPZIE 248 Missiles after you die
Ninja Gaiden 1
YYUVLIZE Start with 128 lives
Ninja Gaiden 2
YNKGVTZE+SEKKKTSP Start with 127 lives
Rad Racer
NYXIUVIZ Time start's out as 246 TAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA Start on Level 7 YAXKPAAA+GXKGKTSA Start on Level 8
ZVEEITIA Start with 9 Medicine bottles GNXTZXZA Get maximum amount on pick up
Rescue Rangers
AEXKNPTE Super jump
Road Blasters
NYVLUTZE Start with lots of credits
Robin Hood Princes of Thieves
ENULIUAA+NNXLLNAE Bandages, Apples, Bread and Legs of Meat give you all of your life back
PELAGE Enemies, sun and Weapons are invisible
Skull and Cross Bones
NEVPLYZU+NNEPZYZU 143 Hit Points in the first life, then 255 Hit Points after you die EOVEYNEK+EOVAGNEK You jump higher ENXPTYIE 122 continues
Snake Rattle 'N' Roll
YNXAYZZE Start with 130 Lives XAXOSGPA Jump higher UAXOSGPA Jump very high
Solar Jetman
NYSSZLPA Start with over $123,410, but you can't buy any thing that is over $10,000 EYKSZLGE Lots of lives *ASSTLA* Start on level _______ L A 4 G A 5 T A 7 Y A 8 P E 10 L E 12
Solstice 2
YYKAVIGA Start with 120 Lives IXUXYGAX You can jump when your in the air
Star Tropics
NYSTYZLE Lots of lives from the start of game
Star Tropics 2
NYUTTZLE Lots of lives from the start of the game
EYXKPGLE 246 Lives
Super C
ENXTLIZA Start with about 145 Lives EUUTGIYS+YSXTPSEL+TEUTZIAA Start with Fireball L Start with Laser
Super Mario Bros. 2
YXSETUAO+NSVAPUEO Very fast Mario YZEEGKAO+NIEEYKEV Very fast Luige YXNAIUAO+NSNEAUEV Very fast Toad YZXALKAO+NIXATKEY Very fast Priencess GOEANKAO+NSEEEKKA Don't miss any thing now
EYSEGYIX In Game B you only need 1 Line AASEGYIO In Game B you only need to touch some thing
Tetris 2
AEKESSPP+AESAOSAP Max. Speed is usually 1 ZEKESSPP+AESAOSAP Max. Speed is 1
ENOVKZGA Very powerful 'Jump and Attack' ENZTEZLA Very powerful 'Kick' ENXTKZZA Very powerful 'Turtle Weapon' YNOIAPZA 99 Lives
Top Gun 2
EYSYALLE Lots of lives ENVZTIKO 1 Player game, start with 60 Phoenix Missiles GNVXITSE 2 Player game, start with 60 Phoenix Missiles
ENNKXPLA Player one start's with 187 lives EYOKNZLA Player two start's with 196 lives YYSKELZA Lot's of time
Ultima: Exodus
XEEOAPGV+PUEPTPAL Start with 35,328 Gold ENOPTPPA Start with 40 of each item that you normally start with
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
YESSYLE 15 lives YX 42 lives YN lots of lives
VNKISVZE Start with 254 Agility YEKISUZE+PNKINTSL Start on Level 16
Wizard's and Warrior's
Wizards and Warriors 3
NNSAGGZU+NNSAZKZE Bottle, meat and coins give you 255, and the bag gives you 550 EYXXPYLE Lots of lives AESAGGZL+AESAZKZA Coins, meat, and diamonds give you 0, bages give you 40
Wrecking Crew
ENLXYO 250 Lives
ENEKOLLE Start with 247 lives
Zelda II
Infinite Lives SZKGKXVK
Swap shield spell for fire spell OYKEEVSA+NPKEOVVA
Swap shield spell for spell spell (?!) LYKEEVSA+VAKVOVVE
Swap shield spell for faerie spell LZKEEVSA+OPKEOVVA
Swap shield spell for life spell IIKEEVSE+VAKEOVVE
Swap shield spell for thunder spell VTKEEVSA+OPKEOVVA
Video Game Source ->Super Nintendo ->Final Fantasy 2 ->Game Genie Codes
Date Posted: 7/5/00
Date: 8/10/98
These codes are for the JAPANESE version of FF4, 'hard
type'. I used the ROM address conversion technique to
compare the Japanese and American games and adjusted some
of the codes to the new memory addresses:
00CF-A469 The Gunslinger Code
(original by Gunslinger)
0CC3-0F64 Walk through walls
(original by Caf? Eblana)
E3A5-64D0 All characters can equip any weapon or any armor
(original by
31EE-646D Go into a town and talk to a person. You will
get into a battle, and your sole party member will be
Golbez (Level 50, HP 2943/2943, MP 180/180). His battle
menu is just 'Fight', but you can change it using other
codes (try giving him 'Twin'!)
(original by
The following codes remain the same for the Japanese
? Enemy spells (xx6D-6F63)
? Character change code (xx67-0D02)
? Stat codes and battle menu codes
Date Posted: 7/5/00
The following code was first posted in the December 1995 GGCCC compilation.
Created by: Codecrackers Gunslinger code 00CE-6D69
Created by: Eblana WTW code 00CA-AF6F
Created by: Codecrackers Rydia gets W. Meteo 3B6D-6F63
Created by: TheSpook1 Reset Events 64C2-AF6F
Start a new game and play normally until you see Rosa in Kaipo.
Once you get Tellah in your party, use the WTW code to enter a chest in the
Watery Pass and warp to Baron.
Use the Gunslinger code to get the HP +100 item and use it on
everyone..a lot! Go into Baron castle and fight Kainazzo by walking
thru the King's Chamber. Use W. Meteo and Meganuke on him. The battle
should be very easy.
Now Cid will join your party (Don't worry..Palom + Porom will still
stone themselves even though you don't have them in your party!) and you'll
get the Enterprise. Go to Toroia, get the TwinHarp, go to Cave Magnes +
kill the Dark Elf (use Storm + W.Meteo to make short work of him.). Go thru
the Tower of Zot. Tellah'll sacrifice himself (but you'll get him back
later). You'll get Kain, and Rosa. After you fight Valvalis, TURN THE FX
OFF, and turn them on when you get outside Baron castle to find the
Open the hole, and go to the Dwarf Castle, but DO NOT GO IN KING
GIOTT'S ROOM OR THE GAME WILL FREEZE!! Use the WTW code to get to the
Dwarf Base and to the Tower of Bab-il..defeat the tower, and let Cid close
the hole.
Now you should have Cecil, Kain, Rosa, and Rydia in your party. Go to
Damcyan and get the Hovercraft, and Edward. Have the guys put the hook on
in Baron. Go to Cave Eblan. When you reach the part w/ Edge DON'T GET HIM!
WTW to the Tower of Bab-il. Fight Edge's parents, and Rubicant (instead of
Ruby, he will be Kainazzo!) Fall to the underground and get the Falcon. Go
to the sealed cave..with the WTW code on..Kain will leave the second you
walk in! Leave the cave, talk to Giott..MAKE SURE YOU DON'T STEP ON THE
FIRST SQUARE IN HIS ROOM..WTW right to his throne!! Get the drill, then the
Big Whale in Mysidia. Go get FuSoYa, and do the Giant of Bab-il. After the
giant, your party should be: Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Rosa, Edward.
Now, go to Fabul, get the latter 3 kidnapped. Wind up on mysidian
beach, use Serpent Trench to get to Baron. Now reset the game, and put the
Reset Events code on. Go to Baron, fight Kainazzo again, get the airship
again. Fly to Kaipo, do the fighting with the officers to get Rydia
back. Now TURN OFF the Resets events code. Fly to Mt. Ordeals, and meet
Tellah again and make Cecil a Paladin (I think he becomes one automatically
after you beat Kainazzo). Go to the Big Whale, go to the
Moon, and finish the game. Now how's that for a Game Genie Trick!! Whew!!
Date Posted: 7/5/00
Date: 11/4/96
If you try to equip something, the item you have equipped and the one
you equipped changes. This only works for the Sheild and Weapon slots, I
think. This also needs work.
Date: 11/12/96
Magic has super effects. Works for monsters too.
Gain nearly 4,000,000 GP after battle (doesn't show after battle,
but you still get it).
Gain 65,000 exp. points after battle, plus the normal exp.
How it works: This will make the person in the middle of your formation gain
99 FAKE levels after battle. So in other-words, your exp. and level stay the
same, but your stats increase! Can be repeated over and over to attain
mega-stats! NOTE: To do again, save and reset, since this only works once.
Date Posted: 7/5/00
The following codes were first posted in the Febuary 1996 GGCCC compilation.
When you go to battle, one character will be there with
multiple FIGHTs as the only command. No matter which FIGHT
you choose, the character punches him/herself and the enemies
die. After the fight, put the character in the 2nd position.
Battles are skipped, but the character is alone.
Date Posted: 7/5/00
It makes Kain invinsible when he jumps to strike an enemy -
makes him a secret character. But remember to turn on effects
or if an enemy uses a spell the game will freeze.
When they use a white magic spell they start flashing but turn
off effects or game will freeze: Warning! Retreat and you
will see two dark knights on the moon.
A person in your party or an enemy dies when they use any form
of magic. Also when Cecil uses magic to cure he disappears
and becomes a dark knight on the screen, makes him secret
character, and from there follow the instructions for making a
secret character like turning off effects and all that.
This code was very weird! Cecil uses magic and turns himself
into a dark knight. Then he can do dummy and floats in the
air, and then follow instructions for making secret character.
It makes Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, and Edge invinsible when walking
and is just a tiny little dot on a battle, they can't do
Date Posted: 8/31/00
Date Created: 7/16/00
7E16A07F + 7E16A196 + 7E16A298 - Infinite Gil
7E210BE7 + 7E210C03 - 3rd Person has Infinite MP
7E200BE7 + 7E200C03 - 2nd Person has Infinite MP
7E218BE7 + 7E218C03 - 4th Person has Infinite MP
7E22870A + 7E228800 - Bosses Have 10 HP (Only major bosses and only if they
are alone)
****You can still be killed by instant death attacks or those which do 9999
7E208788 + 7E208813 - 1st Person has Infinite HP
7E200788 + 7E200813 - 2nd Person has Infinite HP
7E210788 + 7E210813 - 3rd Person has Infinite HP
7E218788 + 7E218813 - 4th Person has Infinite HP
7E220788 + 7E220813 - 5th Person has Infinite HP
Date Posted: 7/5/00
Date: 7/10/98
All of the people jump and spin when you talk to someone
(it's pretty funny)
People in towns all look like ships.
When you talk to people you fight imps.
Date Posted: 7/5/00
Date: 11/6/98
All types of attacks do 9999 damage, including monsters. Monsters are also
very fast.
All types of attacks do less damage than normal, including monsters. Monsters
are also very fast.
Using an item in battle uses the item in the first item slot. Using -Sort- does
around 500 damage and using Trashcan does about 2000 damage. Magic doesn't work
at all in battle.
Whenever you do anything in battle, attack, use magic, use an item, etc. you do
it over and over again until the battle ends. Items used are only used up once
and magic only uses MP for one casting. Turn GG off to stop. This code would
make the game very easy.
Attacking or using magic against monsters instantly kills them. I don't know if
it kills you if they hit you though, since I was testing against easy monsters
at a high level. Combine this code with the one above to just walk through the
entire game using one attack versus all monster groups including bosses! I
don't think cure magic or items used in battle work at all, but who cares?
Most towns/dungeons look like the Town of Baron. Entering buildings
takes you to the wrong places, locks up, or sends you to the top of the
actual town of Baron where you are stuck unless you have the walk
through walls code on. Get to the moon without the big whale by going
in ?Barons? item shop from Mysydia. Could let you finish the game with
some interesting parties.
Same as above, but going in buildings sends you to different places.
Monsters are all black shadows. Change the first to digits to change
the general color of all monsters. I.E. you can make most monsters look
mostly green, red, brown, neon this one was just the coolest looking.
Everyone constantly casts magic in battle, you have no control. They
cast some real spells, but most of the time it says ineffective. The
spells they cast the most are Mute, Heal, and Bserk.. on the enemy
group all at once.
Everyone's battle commands are Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight and
each person always attacks themselves, then all monsters die. Problem
is that you lose all the items in your inventory, including -Sort- and
X (entering menu) makes you warp around to different locations in the
town/dungeon you are in.
X (entering menu) warps you to different places. Eventually it might
crash. If you do it while in the airship/whale and then exit the place
you warped to, you will still be in the ship.
Date Posted: 7/5/00
The following codes were first posted in the January 1996 GGCCC compilation.
D3A8-6F63 Enter a battle, the game will say hp ran out, and then; all
the enemies perish!
86A3-6F63 Hit points fill to the max; when hit, take no damage.
3AAD-6F63 All attacks and magic do only one damage, even meteo.
B6C2-AF6F Get one cure type item (cure1, cure2, ether, heal, ect),
either from battle or a chest/pot and receive 2,913 of that
6666-0DDA More enemies fit on the battle screen; sometimes if you kill
the enemy to the bottom right several times, you'll notice
the numbers beside the enemies drop, when you kill the last
one; they all die. But at other times, its like fighting
double the enemies.
0DE7-6D04 Walk and the music from the scene when Cecil and Kain are
forced to leave Baron and deliver the package to Mist begins
to chime in.
Get 42 Fire Swords and 27 White Lances when loading a game.
This code makes it so you are unable to walk, just save the
game with the items gotten, reset, and repeat until satisfied.
Note: This code may only work near Baron.
Date Posted: 7/5/00
Date: 12/19/96
Final Fantasy 2 Experience Codes
Enter the experience code for the character before he/she enters your party.
The character will start with millions of experience. After fighting one
battle, the person will rise to Level 99.
Dark Knight
[15 codes]
Created by: Nick Joslin (
Date 1/27/97
Store codes:
Buy anything you want at Items Shops.
Just replace the xx's with a number, from the list
at the end of the file, and get the item(s) of your choice.
Location: These codes work in the following town's item shop.
Baron, Kapo, Fabul, Toroia, Agart
xxCB-A1DA 1st Slot in items list
xxCB-A104 2nd Slot
xxBC-A16A 3rd Slot
xxBC-A1AA 4th Slot
Location: These codes work in the following town's item shop.
Castle of Dwarves, Tomra (underground towns)
xxCE-AODA 1st Slot
xxCE-A00A 2nd Slot
xxCE-A06A 3rd Slot
xxCE-A0AA 4th Slot
Location: These codes work in the following town's item shop.
NamingWay town of the Moon
xxCC-A1DA 1st Slot
xxCC-A10A 2nd Slot
xxCC-A16A 3rd Slot
xxCC-A1AA 4th Slot
Items List with prices.
*Some of the items that cost 10 are first rate items.
DD or EE-(empty slot) DF-FireClaw 350
D4-IceClaw 450 D7-Thunder (claw) 550
D0-Charm (claw) 600 D9-Poison (claw) 650
D1-CatClaw 700 D5-Rod 100
D6-IceRod 220 DB-FlameRod 380
DC-Thunder (rod) 700 D8-Change (rod) 1250
DA-Charm (rod) 5000 D2-Stardust (rod) 11000
D3-Lilith (rod) 1100 DE-Staff 160
FD-Cure (staff) 480 FF-Silver (staff) 4000
F4-Power (staff) 2000 F7-Lunar (staff) 7000
F0-Life (staff) 22000 F9-Silence (staff) 15000
F1-Shadow (dk sword) 700 F5-Darkness (dk swrd) 1200
F6-Black (dark sword) 2000 FB-Legend (lt sword) 5000
FC-Light (lt sword) 42000 F8-Excalibur (l swrd) 80000
FA-Fire (sword) 14000 F2-IceBrand (sword) 26000
F3-Defense (sword) 57000 FE-Drain (sword) 13000
4D-Ancient (sword) 19000 4F-Slumber (sword) 26000
44-Medusa (sword) 34000 47-Spear 60
40-Wind (spear) 7000 49-Flame (spear) 11000
41-Blizzard (spear) 21000 45-Dragoon (spear) 50
46-White (spear) 74000 4b-Drain (spear) 130
4C-Gungnir (spear) 100000 48-Short (katana) 4000
4A-Middle (katana) 7000 42-Long (katana) 11000
43-Ninja (katana) 18000 4E-Murasame (katana) 22000
7D-Masamune (katana) 23000 7F-Assassin (knife) 5000
74-Mute (knife) 13000 77-Whip 3000
70-Chain (whip) 6000 79-Blitz (whip) 1000
71-Flame (whip) 16000 75-Dragon (whip) 31000
76-HandAxe 7000 7B-Dwarf (axe) 15000
7C-Ogre (axe) 45000 78-Silver (knife) 3000
7A-Dancing (knife) 5000 72-Silver (sword) 6000
73-Spoon (knife) 10000 7E-Crystal (lt sword) 10000
0D-Shuriken 20000 0F-Ninja (shuriken) 50000
04-Boomrang 3000 07-FullMoon (bmrang) 9000
00-Dreamer (harp) 480 09-Charm (harp) 1200
01-Dummy (soft p.?) 125000 05-PoisonAxe 94000
06-RuneAxe 123000 0B-Silver (Hammer) 8000
0C-Earth (Hammer) 12000 08-Wooden (Hammer) 80
0A-Avenger (sword) 10* 02-ShortBow 220
03-CrossBow 700 0E-GreatBow 2000
9D-Archer (bow) 3000 9F-ElvenBow 5000
94-Samurai (bow) 11000 97-Artemis (bow) 19000
90-Iron (arrow) 10 99-White (arrow) 20
91-Fire (arrow) 30 95-Ice (arrow) 30
96-Lit (arrow) 30 9B-Darkness (arrow) 40
9C-Poison (arrow) 70 98-Mute (arrow) 100
9A-Charm (arrow) 110 92-Samurai (arrow) 140
93-Medusa (arrow) 10*? 9E-Artemis (arrow) 200
1D-(nameless item) 0 1F-Iron (shield) 100
14-Shadow (shield) 200 17-Black (shield) 400
10-Paladin (shield) 700 19-Silver (shield) 1000
11-Fire (shield) 1250 15-Ice (shield) 10000
16-Diamond (shield) 15000 1B-Aegis (shield) 20000
1C-Samurai (shield) 10* 18-Dragoon (shield) 10*
1A-Crystal (shield) 10* 12-Iron (helm) 150
13-Shadow (helm) 360 1E-Darkness (helm) 640
5D-Black (helm) 980 5F-Paladin (helm) 4000
54-Silver (helm) 3000 57-Diamond (helm) 10000
50-Samurai (helm) 10* 59-Dragoon (helm) 10*
51-Crystal (helm) 10* 55-Cap (helm) 100
56-Leather (helm) 330 5B-Gaea (helm) 700
5C-Wizard (helm) 2000 58-Tiara (helm) 20000
5A-Ribbon (helm) 10* 52-Headband (helm) 450
53-Bandanna (helm) 1100 5E-Ninja (helm) 2000
6D-Glass (helm) 5000 6F-Iron (armor) 600
64-Shadow (armor) 1100 67-Darkness (armor) 2000
60-Black (armor) 3000 69-Paladin (armor) 8000
61-Silver (armor) 17000 65-Fire (armor) 30000
66-Ice (armor) 35000 6B-Diamond (armor) 40000
6C-Samurai (armor) 10* 68-Dragoon (armor) 10*
6A-Crystal (armor) 10* 62-Cloth (Robe) 50
63-Leather (robe) 200 6E-Gaea (robe) 500
BD-Wizard (robe) 1200 BF-Black (robe) 10000
B4-Sorcerer (robe) 30000 B7-White (robe) 10*
B0-Power (robe) 4000 B9-Heroine (robe) 40000
B1-Prisoner (robe) 70 B5-Bard (robe) 70
B6-Karate (robe) 4000 BB-Bl.Belt (robe) 14000
BC-Adamant (armor) 10* B8-Ninja (robe) 64000
BA-Iron (gauntlet) 130 B2-Shadow (gauntlet) 260
B3-Darkness (gauntlet) 520 BE-Black (gauntlet) 800
CD-Paladin (gauntlet) 3000 CF-Silver (gauntlet) 2000
C4-Diamond (gauntlet) 5000 C7-Zeus (gauntlet) 10*
C0-Samurai (gauntlet) 10* C9-Dragoon (gauntlet) 10*
C1-Crystal (gauntlet) 10* C5-IronRing 100
C6-RubyRing 1000 CB-Silver (ring) 650
CC-Strength (ring) 760 C8-Rune (ring) 2000
CA-Crystal (ring) 3000 C2-Diamond (ring) 4000
C3-Protect (ring) 6000 CE-Cursed (ring) 10
8D-Dummy (Fire1) 100 8F-Dummy (Fire2) 500
84-Dummy (Ice-1) 100 87-Dummy (Ice-2) 500
80-Dummy (Lit-1) 100 89-Dummy (Lit-2) 500
81-Dummy (Comet) 1000 85-Dummy (Psych) 200
86-Dummy (Drain) 50 8B-Dummy (Bersk) 200
8C-Dummy (Fast) 200 88-Dummy (Stop) 100
8A-Dummy (Stop) 500 82-Dummy (Stop) 1000
83-Dummy (Slow) 100 8E-Dummy (Image) 50
AD-FireBomb 100 AF-Dummy (IceBlast) 100
A4-Lit-Bolt 100 A7-Dummy (Wall) 1000
A0-Dummy (Explode) 10 A9-Dummy (Wall) 2000
A1-Dummy (Charm) 100 A5-Dummy (Quake) 500
A6-Crystal 0 AB-Dummy (Fatal) 1000
AC-Dummy (random call) 10 A8-Dummy (Peep) 980
AA-Dummy (Multi-Heal) 10 A2-Dummy (Multi-Heal) 10
A3-Cure1 (potion) 30 AE-Cure2 (potion) 150
2D-Cure3 (potion) 3000 2F-Ether1 (potion) 10000
24-Ether2 (potion) 50000 27-Elixir (potion) 100000
20-Life (potion) 150 29-Dummy (heals sleep) 400
21-Dummy (heals toad) 60 25-Dummy (heals size) 80
26-Dummy (heals piggy) 100 2B-Dummy (heals poison) 50
2C-Dummy (heals darkness) 30 28-Dummy (heals mute) 40
2A-Dummy (heals stone) 100 22-Heal (potion) 100
23-Dummy (call fight) 100 2E-Dummy (max HP +100) 1000
3D-Dummy (max HP +50) 100 3F-Dummy (max MP +10) 980
34-Tent 200 37-Cabin (tent) 1000
30-Dummy (dirty magazine)580 39-Dummy (exit) 180
31-Dummy (sight) 100 35-Imp (call) 100
36-Bomb (call) 200 3B-Dummy (Coctrice call)300
3C-Mage (call) 400 38-Carrot 50
3A-Pass 10000 32-Whistle 20000
33-Package 0 3E-Baron (key) 0
ED-SandRuby 0 EF-Earth (crystal) 0
E4-Magma (key) 0 E7-Luca (key) 0
E0-TwinHarp 0 E9-Darkness (crystal) 0
E1-Rat (tail) 0 E5-Adamant 0
E6-Pan 0 EB-Pink (tail) 0
EC-Tower (key) 0 E8-Dummy-? 0
EA-Dummy-? 0 E2-Dummy-? 0
Date Posted: 7/5/00
Date: 2/6/97
FF2 'Temporary' Battle Menu Stats
Strength stats and item stats have been made, but what about battle stats?
Well, here are 'temporary' battle stats. You can put in the codes whenever
you want (not just before you get the person, at any point in the game) and
it will change that person's battle menu command. However, if you save your
game, it will not permanently change that battle command; only when the codes
are on. So, there are pluses and minuses, but at least it's something..
D ( -- that's not his address anymore, but I don't know the
new one) created four of these codes; all the rest are modified off of the
original four -- I did not create these codes from nothing. Also, D made the
battle menu changes list.
Dark Knight
** as 1st battle command **E9-090E
** as 2nd battle command **E9-096E
** as 3rd battle command **E9-09AE
** as 4th battle command **E9-01DE
** as 5th battle command **E9-010E
** as 1st battle command **E6-09AE
** as 2nd battle command **E6-01DE
** as 3rd battle command **E6-010E
** as 4th battle command **E6-016E
** as 5th battle command **E6-01AE
1st Time
** as 1st battle command **E9-016E
** as 2nd battle command **E9-01AE
** as 3rd battle command **E9-05DE
** as 4th battle command **E9-050E
** as 5th battle command **E9-056E
2nd Time
** as 1st battle command **EB-01AE
** as 2nd battle command **EB-05DE
** as 3rd battle command **EB-050E
** as 4th battle command **EB-056E
** as 5th battle command **EB-05AE
3rd Time
** as 1st battle command **E8-09DE
** as 2nd battle command **E8-090E
** as 3rd battle command **E8-096E
** as 4th battle command **E8-09AE
** as 5th battle command **E8-01DE
** as 1st battle command **E9-05AE
** as 2nd battle command **E1-00DE
** as 3rd battle command **E1-000E
** as 4th battle command **E1-006E
** as 5th battle command **E1-00AE
** as 1st battle command **EC-090E
** as 2nd battle command **EC-096E
** as 3rd battle command **EC-09AE
** as 4th battle command **EC-01DE
** as 5th battle command **EC-010E
1st Time
** as 1st battle command **E1-09DE
** as 2nd battle command **E1-090E
** as 3rd battle command **E1-096E
** as 4th battle command **E1-09AE
** as 5th battle command **E1-01DE
2nd Time
** as 1st battle command **E6-006E
** as 2nd battle command **E6-00AE
** as 3rd battle command **E6-09DE
** as 4th battle command **E6-090E
** as 5th battle command **E6-096E
** as 1st battle command **E1-010E
** as 2nd battle command **E1-016E
** as 3rd battle command **E1-01AE
** as 4th battle command **E1-05DE
** as 5th battle command **E1-050E
1st Time
** as 1st battle command **E1-056E
** as 2nd battle command **E1-05AE
** as 3rd battle command **E5-00DE
** as 4th battle command **E5-000E
** as 5th battle command **E5-006E
2nd Time
** as 1st battle command **EC-00DE
** as 2nd battle command **EC-000E
** as 3rd battle command **EC-006E
** as 4th battle command **EC-00AE
** as 5th battle command **EC-09DE
1st Time
** as 1st battle command **E5-00AE
** as 2nd battle command **E5-09DE
** as 3rd battle command **E5-090E
** as 4th battle command **E5-096E
** as 5th battle command **E5-09AE
2nd Time
** as 1st battle command **EB-000E
** as 2nd battle command **EB-006E
** as 3rd battle command **EB-00AE
** as 4th battle command **EB-09DE
** as 5th battle command **EB-090E
** as 1st battle command **E5-01DE
** as 2nd battle command **E5-010E
** as 3rd battle command **E5-016E
** as 4th battle command **E5-01AE
** as 5th battle command **E5-05DE
** as 1st battle command **E5-050E
** as 2nd battle command **E5-056E
** as 3rd battle command **E5-05AE
** as 4th battle command **E6-00DE
** as 5th battle command **E6-000E
** as 1st battle command **EB-096E
** as 2nd battle command **EB-09AE
** as 3rd battle command **EB-01DE
** as 4th battle command **EB-010E
** as 5th battle command **EB-016E
** as 1st battle command **EC-016E
** as 2nd battle command **EC-01AE
** as 3rd battle command **EC-05DE
** as 4th battle command **EC-050E
** as 5th battle command **EC-056E
** as 1st battle command **EC-05AE
** as 2nd battle command **E8-00DE
** as 3rd battle command **E8-000E
** as 4th battle command **E8-006E
** as 5th battle command **E8-00AE
DD Fight
DF Item
D4 White
D7 Black
D0 Call
D9 Dummy (Darkness)
D1 Jump
D5 Dummy (Remember)
D6 Sing
DB Hide
DC Dummy (Medicine)
D8 Dummy (Pray)
DA Aim
D2 Dummy (Meditade? One of Yang's dummied abilities)
D3 Kick
DE Dummy (Protect? The other of Yang's dummied abilities)
FD Twin
FF Dummy (Boast?)
F4 Dummy (Cry?)
F7 Cover
F0 Peep
F9 Dummy (glitches -- targets all enemies, for old Rydia or Cid?)
F1 Dart
F5 Sneak
F6 Ninja
FB Dummy (weird, like FF3 spell oRegen. For FuSoYa?)
FC Chang(e)
F8 Parry
FA Show
F2 Off