Witch Hunter Captain Build

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A fine build wont stop them from walking off cliffs though.
Make sure you use this mod its sanctioned and can be used in official realm. It allows you to get full value out of witch hunt as they now ping elites and the changes to their melee choices are so important.
Necklace, Charm and Trinket
Equip every bot with these.
Health is a no brainer decision in every situation. BCR is superior to stamina if you have enough shields to push. Barkskin is extremely valuable on bots as they can take so much more punishment when they jank out and just stand in things such as poison gas, troll bile or bash their heads against warpfire throwers.
Attack speed helps in all situations. Power vs infantry is the main enemy type during hordes as well as various specials and also maulers. The trait in charms doesn't matter for bots as they don't use them.
Crit chance allows them to pierce armour with light attacks and output more dps in general. Stamina recovery increases their survivability and allows them to push more often. Substitute either with curse resistance when going for book runs. Yet again the trait doesn't matter here as bots don't use bombs.
Mercenary: XSword + Repeater Handgun.
- Drillmaster gives him the most consistent temp hp as he can even farm in skaven hordes.
- The More The Merrier is the best choice in this row, the power boost will not only increase damage but also cleave.
- Smiter or Mainstay both work here but I've seen better results with Smiter.
- Strike Together is a really strong supporting ability for a bot to give your whole team.
- Blade Barrier allows him to hit trade better into hordes and take more damage in general.
- Walk it Off will prevent teammates from ever going down in rough situations, giving him a conc pot through proxy will increase your chances of survival through moments such as patrols or bosses.
XSwords high damage and cleave pair well with mercs high thp regen and damage reduction offsetting the poor mobility the weapon has.
Repeater Handguns ammo capacity gives him room to shoot ambient enemies and still have spare to snipe specials when he decides to. Handgun is fine here but bots do tend to waste shots on ambients a lot.
Witch Hunter Captain
Witch Hunter Captain: Rapier + Crossbow.
- Walking Judgement grants the most consistent thp and is great for rapier.
- Flense increases overall dps a ton and is much more consistent than Deathknell considering the bots shaky headshot rate.
- Assassin grants a 40% increase for melee crit/headshots. This has huge synergy with rapiers easy headshot attacks and WHC's high crit chance.
- Wild Fervour increases the teams crit chance by 5% which is a fantastic support ability for him to have. Also has great synergy with his insta kill passive.
- Cast Away will proc a lot as bots push a lot. 40% stamina regen will help keep his stamina high.
- The Unending Hunt grants more uptime for his cc ult which also means more team ranged/melee crit chance.
The Rapiers fast base attack speed and low block cost makes it an extremely safe and powerful weapon in WHC's hands. It also has great mobility and dodge range.
Crossbow provides a strong special sniping ability from long range and the pierce of the bolts means he can get good value when he shoots into hordes. Conservative Shooter grants good ammo regen as bots tend to be decent at landing ranged headshots.
Unchained: Flail + Fireball Staff.
- Reckless Rampage provides more consistent temp hp with the flail than Soul Quench.
- Frenzied Flame gives a huge boost to attack speed and outranks everything else on offer.
- Enhanced Power improves damage for her staff and dots as well as her melee. Bulwark is a fine alternative if you want her to support a bit more.
- Dissipate grants a load of BCR which also vents her a ton which can make her survive crazy situations.
- Natural Talent lowers the chance of her overheating.
- Bomb Balm is a no brainer choice, it provides a huge temp hp boost to the whole team and the other choices are very underwhelming.
Flaming Flail is a very strong safe weapon. It staggers everything except bosses and outputs a ton of damage.
The fireball staff has no move slow when charging which Sienna bot does all the time. This means she doesn't constantly fall behind the team putting herself in vulnerable situations.
Ironbreaker: Dual Hammers + Crossbow.
- Rock-Breaker provides much more temp hp than its alternative with dual hammers. Taking Hearthguard is also a fine choice for heal share since ironbreaker bot is very good at not taking damage. Choose your preference.
- Blood of Grimnir is fantastic for bots since they always stick close to the team.
- Bulwark works best here and also lets him support the team more with the 10% damage debuff.
- Gromril Curse can help him get revives off and also can allow him to save himself from specials such as gutter runners or packmasters.
- Dawi Defiance can help Bardin survive incredibly rough situations.
- Drengbarazi Oath is taken here over Booming Taunt to lower the risk of him alerting patrols with his ult.
Dual Hammers are extremely safe with their insane horde clear potential and stagger. Also not having a bad armour piercing charged attack on top.
Crossbow provides a strong special sniping ability from long range and the strong pierce of the bolts means he can get good value when he shoots into hordes. Conservative Shooter grants good ammo regen as bots tend be decent at landing ranged headshots.
Although all these bots are equipped with special killing weapons with the exception of Sienna, it's always your job to prioritise them. Specials are so important because they destroy bots ai. For example if a gas rat throws both globes all your bots want to do is walk over and melee it despite what danger it puts them or if a gunner starts shooting they will walk away and shut down, sometimes even letting mobs hit them or they might even think the safest place to flee to is off a cliff. They aren't really good at dealing with any special in the game so just make sure you keep on top of them.
During bosses the bots will tunnel vision him so it's your job to take care of any trash mobs or horde that's approaching or just play a career that can destroy bosses such as Bounty Hunter or Shade.
I haven't listed a Kerillian bot as i feel she doesn't provide as many advantages than the others.
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- 1Witch Hunter
Witch Hunter[edit]

All your life you have found Necromancers, Hags, Fiendish Warlocks and all other practitioners of evil magic abhorrent. You seek to root out and slay these monstrosities wherever they may hide. Witch hunters all have different reasons for taking up their profession. Were you hired by a king or other noble to protect their city from an evil deity or cult? Or maybe you are a cleric or paladin dedicated to seeking out all those who endorse the abomination of arcane magic? Perhaps you are a ranger seeking to further your knowledge about your favored enemies. Think about what led you to develop such a hatred. Perhaps your younger sister was abducted by a hag, and replaced with a changeling that you were then forced to kill, or your mother and father were sacrificed then raised again by a wicked mage. What are your methods? Do you imprison those you capture in pits? Burn them? Or even drag them back to your lordly master for a public execution?
Skill Proficiencies: Choose any two: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Religion, or Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Choose one: Herbalism Kit or Poisoner's Kit
Languages: A language related to your specialization. (see table below)
Equipment: A set of dark traveler's clothes, a pointed wizards hat, a hooded cloak or cape, a longsword, a healer's kit, 3 flasks of holy water, a holy symbol, a silvered or cold-iron weapon you are proficient with, a belt pouch containing 20 gp, and a book of lore that contains all the information about the creatures of your chosen specialization: descriptions, skills, resistances, immunities, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, special abilities, etc.
Witch Hunter Type[edit]
What type of Witch Hunter are you? Choose a specialty or roll on the table below.
d4 | Specialization | Language | Creature Types |
1 | Fey Hunter | Sylvan | Fey: Blink Dog, Boggle, Darkling, Darkling Elder, Dryad, Hags: (Annis, Bheur, Green, Sea), Korred, Meenlock, Pixie, Quickling, Redcap, Satyr, Sprite, Yeth Hound Plants: Awakened Shrub, Awakened Tree, Blights: (Needle, Twig, Vine), Corpse Flower, Fungi: (Gas Spore, Shrieker, Violet Fungus), Myconids: (Adult, Quaggoth Spore Servant, Sprout, Sovereign), Shambling Mound, Treant, Vegepygmies: (Vegepygmy, Chief, Thorny), Wood Woad |
2 | Fiend Hunter | Abyssal or Infernal | Daemons (Yugoloths): Arcanaloth, Canoloth, Dhergoloth, Hydroloth, Merrenoloth, Mezzoloth, Nycaloth, Oinoloth, Ultroloth, Yagnoloth Demons (Tanar'ri): Alkilith, Armanite, Babau, Balor, Barlgura, Bulezau, Cambion, Chasme, Draegloth, Dretch, Dybbuk, Glabrezu, Goristro, Hezrou, Manes, Marilith, Maurezhi, Maw Demon, Molydeus, Nabassu, Nalfeshnee, Rutterkin (Abyssal Wretch), Shoosuva, Sibriex, Tanarukk, Wastrilith - Demon Lords: Baphomet, Demogorgon, Fraz-Urb'luu, Graz'zt, Juiblex, Orcus, Yeenoghu, Zuggtmoy Devils (Baatezu): Abishai: (Black Abishai, Blue Abishai, Green Abishai, Red Abishai, White Abishai), Amnizu, Merregon, Narzugon, Nupperibo, Orthon, Quasit, Shadow Demon, Vrock, Yochlol, Barbed Devil, Bearded Devil, Bone Devil, Chain Devil, Erinyes, Horned Devil, Ice Devil, Imp, Lemure, Pit Fiend, Spined Devil - Archdevils: Bael, Geryon, Hutijin, Moloch, Titivilus, Zariel Pdf bacaan kitab al barzanji. Fiends: Barghest, Devourer, Hag: Night Hag, Hell Hound, Howler, Nightmare, Rakshasa, Succubus/Incubus, Vargouille |
3 | Humanoid Hunter | Any Standard Language | Humanoids: Aarakocra, Bugbear, Bugbear Chief, Bullywug, Deep Scion, Dwarf: (Derro Dwarf: Savant; Duergar Dwarf: Despot, Hammerer, Kavalrachni, Mind Master, Screamer, Soulblade, Stone Guard, Warlord, Xarrorn; Hill Dwarf; Mountain Dwarf; Shield Dwarf), Elf: (Drow Elf: Arachnomancer, Elite Warrior, Favored Consort, House Captain, Inquisitor, Mage, Matron Mother, Priestess of Lolth, Shadowblade; Eladrin: Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter; Half-Elf; High Elf; Sea Elf; Shadar-Kai Elf: Gloom Weaver, Shadow Dancer, Soul Monger; Wood Elf), Firenewt: (Firenewt, Warlock of Imix), Githyanki: (Gish, Kith'rak, Knight, Supreme Commander, Warrior), Githzerai: (Anarch, Enlightened, Monk, Zerth), Gnoll: (Gnoll, Fang of Yeenoghu, Flesh Gnawer, Flind, Hunter, Pack Lord), Gnome: (Deep Gnome - Svirfneblin Gnome, Forest Gnome, Rock Gnome), Goblin: (Goblin, Boss), Grimlock, Grung: (Elite Warrior, Wildling), Half-Dragon, Hobgoblin: (Captain, Devastator, Iron Shadow, Warlord), Human, Jackalwere, Kenku, Kobold: (Dragonshield, Inventor, Scale Sorcerer, Winged), Kuo-toa: (Archpriest, Whip), Lizardfolk: (Shaman, King/Queen), Lycanthropes: (Werebear, Wereboar, Wererat, Weretiger, Werewolf), Meazel, Merfolk, Nagpa, Nilbog, Oni, Orc: (Half-Orc, Blade of Ilneval, Claw of Luthic, Eye of Gruumsh, Hand of Yurtrus, Nurtured One of Yurtrus, Orog, Red Fang of Shargaas, Warchief), Quaggoth, Sahuagi: (Baron, Malenti, Priestess), Sea Spawn, Skulk, Thri-kreen, Tortle: (Druid), Trogolodyte, Xvart, Xvart Warlock of Raxivort, Yuan-ti: (Broodguard, Pureblood) Humanoid Archetypes (NPC): Abjurer, Acolyte, Apprentice Wizard, Archdruid, Archer, Archmage, Assassin, Bandit, Bandit Captain, Bard, Berserker, Blackguard, Champion, Commoner, Conjurer, Cultist, Cult Fanatic, Diviner, Druid, Enchanter, Evoker, Gladiator, Guard, Illusionist, Knight, Kraken Priest, Mage, Martial Arts Adept, Master Thief, Necromancer, Noble, Priest, Scout, Spy, Swashbuckler, Thug, Transmuter, Tribal Warrior, Veteran, War Priest, Warlock of the Archfey, Warlock of the Fiend, Warlock of the Great Old One, Warlord, |
4 | Undead Hunter | Any Exotic or Standard Language | Undead: Alhoon (Mind Flayer), Allip, Banshee, Beholder: Death Tyrant, Bodak, Boneclaw, Crawling Claw, Death Knight, Deathlock: (Deathlock, Mastermind, Wight), Demi-Lich, Dracolich, Eidolon, Flameskull, Ghost, Ghoul: (Ghast, Ghoul), Gnoll Witherling, Lich, Mummy, Mummy Lord, Naga: Bone Naga, Nightwalker, Revenant, Shadow, Skeleton: (Skeleton, Minotaur, Warhorse), Skull Lord, Spawn of Kyuss, Specter, Sword Wraith: (Commander, Warrior), Vampire, Vampire Spawn, Vampiric Mist, Wight, Will-o'-Wisp, Wraith, Zombie: (Zombie, Ogre, Beholder) |
Feature: Evil Recognition[edit]
You are well versed in the lore surrounding creatures of your chosen type. When hunting these creatures you often know the best places to look, and you are able to more easily spot evidence of their presence. Also you can roll on intelligence (History) checks to recall information about them. The information given is left to the discretion of your DM and might include descriptions, abilities, resistances, vulnerabilities, etc.
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I travel from place to place a lot - evil must be fought everywhere. |
2 | I constantly guide my allies away from the Dark Ways - I would hate to have to kill them. |
3 | I barely ever sleep or rest, so intent am I upon seeking out evil. |
4 | My wise words have often convinced another to step back into the light. |
5 | I do not work for money - rich and poor alike can succumb to the temptations of Black Magic |
6 | I look carefully over everything I see - the Dark is cunning, and but one lapse could doom the world. |
7 | I prefer to hunt my foes alone - there are many pitfalls for those less skilled than me to fall foul of. |
8 | I am suspicious of everyone, especially those who dislike me. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Redemption: If my foe wishes to repent, I am willing to help them return to the light.(Good) |
2 | Freedom: I do not knuckle under authority - that would only slow me down.(Chaotic) |
3 | Law: The law is all that keeps evil at bay. (Lawful) |
4 | Skill: I fight the darkness to prove I can, and I constantly challenge myself to get better at it. (Neutral) |
5 | Mercilessness: once you have turned to the dark, there is no turning back - not in my eyes. (Neutral) |
6 | Pain: I take a perverse pleasure in inflicting pain on my captives. (Evil) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | Civilization is a beacon in the night that must remain burning. |
2 | I once showed mercy to a young warlock, whom I fell deeply in love with. I still wonder if I did the right thing. |
3 | My family and friends are always there to fall back on when all seems lost, to rekindle the light in me. |
4 | My only bond is to the silver in my sword. |
5 | Pursuing this dangerous path has forced me to leave behind those I love, if only to protect them. |
6 | My only kin are those of my Witch Hunting brotherhood. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | Once I start killing, I cannot stop. |
2 | I am overly aggressive/prejudiced toward all magic wielders, excluding myself. |
3 | I will pursue a target no matter the cost. |
4 | My lust for revenge/avarice spurs me to be brash and reckless. |
5 | I will kill any monster, good or evil. |
6 | I will risk the lives of innocents to catch my target. |
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