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vooya :: raw Video Sequence Player

vooya is a YUV player and a generic raw data player – video data that is uncompressed and containerless, most commonly used in scientific environments. Besides, vooya plays DPX, TIFF, OpenEXR and Radiance (HDR) image sequences. Oh and — yes, vooya can play MOV, MP4 and ProRes seamlessly.
You get 1,089 up, down, cross and standards conversions for all formats up to 2160p60. Download Manual Download Software. YUV or RGB, user selectable. Free of charge for changing settings via Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Mac.
vooya is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, and has a variety of features which makes working with raw data easier:
YUV, XYZ, YIQ, RGB, HSV, Gray4:0:0, 4:2:0, 4:2:2, 4:4:4planar, interleavedUYVY, YUY2, YUV10, NV12v210, v410, p010, r210, yuv10, P010, NV21 etc.Floating point raw dataimage sequencesMagnifier, pixel-exact viewDiff ViewOpenEXRDPX playerRadiance HDRTGA,TIFF, JPG, PNG, BMPy4m (YUV4MPEG)AVI (raw, mjpeg)MOV / ProRes / MP4 (H.264)Fast & SmartEndian SwapCLI pipe supportArbitrary bit depthsOne-File-Per-Frame sequencesTimecodeFile format cache and format detectionPlugin APILarge File SupportPlaylistsHDR Evaluation ModeMacroblocks overlay (AVC/HEVC/etc.)Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, ExposureHEVC CTU and PU indicesDrag and DropDrawing AnnotationsSide-by-Side, YesNo, Normal diffAdvanced DeinterlacingChannel steppingSynchronized PlayingPSNR, SSIM, MSEHistogramOffline conversionDeinterlacingRotationMirroringReversalExtractionFully scriptable CLIMac OSX, Linux and WindowsFreeware on Linux
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see the changelog for details, as well as some screenshots.
vooya is intended to be a full-feature toolkit for the happy videoresearcher, a player for film industry guys and data addicts. In case of questionsor for bug reports, feel free to use the contact form.Look at the usage guide in order to get help, and check out the Plugin API.